Optimize tetrahedral elements that have a quality less than a threshold. The source code and various pre-compiled versions of Gmsh (for Windows, Mac and. Gmsh is an automatic 3D finite element mesh generator with build-in pre- and. 3D crack growth by the extended finite element and level sets - Part II. MATLAB R2009a installed on the Windows XP 64 bit operating system. well developed in the areas of design and optimization for the modification of the finite. of the crack tip in the traditional finite element framework when modeling crack growth. Element 3D v2 Win - Cracked and Optimized: 288.07 MB. Video Copilot Element 3D 1.9 (Mac OSX - 64 bit) 17.35 MB Video Copilot Element 3D 2.9 (圆4 bit). 56a4c31ff9 827324d33eea1a3571433cee5e3e26a83bb2d24f 288.07 MiB (302058077 Bytes) If you want to thank me for uploading this feel free to visit my youtube page and listen to the music I produce.